Cheing Mai

Last week end I went to Cheing Mai province with my mother. She is a judge of Samutsakorn youth and family court. Last week end the judges have a Cheing Mai program for visiting Cheing Mai youth and family court. I packed my baggage in Thursday evening. I took only three of T-Shirt because my mother would like to buy a lot of gifts. I woke up at 4 a.m. of Friday early morning. The flight was on nine o’clock but the group makes an appointment at Nok-Air counter before seven o’clock. My mother and I left from our home around six o’clock. My home is so far from Don Mueng airport. We had to leave early. When we were arrived Don Mueng airport, we checked-in at Nok-air counter. While we were waiting for going on aboard, we went to have breakfast. This breakfast was a rice gruel soup cooked with meat. It was surprise, we saw Ken Teeradej was having his breakfast nearly table. He is a famous Thai star. He is so handsome. He just got married last year. After we had finished our breakfast, we went to the gate number five for waiting go on aboard. While I was waiting to aboard, I saw Burgerking. I had French Fried Jumbo one. My mom joined me to have French Fried. I said she was too fat. Don’t have it any more. I thought her like to eat a lot especially dessert causes of her fatness. Fifteen minute to nine o’clock, there was a voice from counter for asking pessenger goes aboard. The Nok-air’s air hostages are not nice. I think an air hostage of Thailand International airline is the most beautiful. The flight took the time around an hour and five minute, we were arrived Cheing Mai international airport. Cheing Mai airport decorated in style of Lan-Na. Lan-Na style is personality of Cheing Mai. After we already had our baggage, we went out from the Cheing Mai airport by the bus. Its license plate number is 88-8888. It is nice number. And then we went to Cheing Mai youth and family court. The judges of Cheing Mai Yourth and Family court were waiting for welcoming us. Their court is bigger than Samutsakorn Youth and Family court because their just constructed. Their court was including region 5 appeal court, Cheing Mai privincial court and Youth and Family court. They led us to see their office room by room. After we saw their office already, we went to Doi Suthep. It is the famous mountain in Cheing Mai. Traditionally, Cheing Mai University has welcoming freshy guy with walk up to mountain. At the foot of mountain there is a statue of Master Monk Srivichai. We stopped to respect to. And then we went to the relic of the Buddha Doi Suthep. I ever come here long time since I was young. At the first time I came here, it had no elevator but it has elevator to service traveller. After we took a lot of photos, we went back to the hotel name “Porn Ping Hotel”. It is in Cheing Mai Night Plaza area. Last five years ago Cheing Mai Night Plaza was the famous place where traveller have to come for shopping but now it was not like that because their goods is the same like Suanlum NightPlaza. Nothing is interesting anymore. The Porn Ping Hotel is the old hotel in Cheing Mai. I didn’t like to stay here. It was quite horrible. I heard that there was a ghost. I went to the room number 635. The air-conditioner was not cool. I called operator for to fix it. Ang then I took a shower because we had a banquet at seven p.m. The leader of our group makes an appointment at six and thirty minute at the lobby. And then we went to Pern Restaurant. The judges of Cheing Mai Youth and Family court provided this banquet for us. There was dancing, jazz music and buffet. The thing I was interesting, is a hand-made guitar. It was made by this restaurant owner. His name is Karun. His hand-made guitar is so sweet-sounding. I liked his guitar so much. I asked him information. He told me that its price is thrity hundred Baht. If this guitar was compared by the famous guitar such as a Takamine guitar, Karun’s guitar might be better than Takamine I thought. After the banquet ended, we went back to Porn Ping hotel by taxi. We went back each room. My mom told me that tomorrow we had to wake up before seven o’clock and have a breakfast before the bus come. We went to Ban Den temple. This temple is nice one. There are a lot of figure of imagined tale monster. It might be more than ten. They were arranged in line in front of the church. My mom and I took a lot of photos with them. The garden was maintenance as well. There were a lot of garden worker. They walked all the time to keep cleaning. After I took a lot of photos, I went to inside there. I observed to its construction. I think it might be use my home’s product. I forget to tell that my home has various jobs. The resort is one and the manufacturer of white conduit is another one. The whit conduit is the tube that use for wiring. You can see them on the ceiling. ABAC also use my product. You can see in the garden beside the pool. My product brand is Dynamic. Dynamic is the sub-brand. I have two brands “Nippon: and “Dynamic”. Nothing is different. Its difference is the price but processing of manufacture is the same. So, I saw my product on the ceiling of church. I felt pride. My product is here. After that I went to see Grand monk. He is the leader. Until noon I went to have lunch at Kin-Krang-Pa restaurant. It was so far from the temple. And then I went to the Queen Sirikrit Garden. Then we went back to hotel for showering. We make appointment at 6 p.m. to have dinner at local meal of Cheing Mai and see the performance. I didn’t want to see the performance because I had seen it before. I wanted to go to shopping. Cheing Mai has the market that just open name Walked Man road. There were a lot of merchant to sell their goods. All of goods is hand-made goods. I found something for gifts. Thai tradition is when you go travel; you should buy a gift for your friend, your girl friend or your parents. I was arrived there when they almost are closed.


This week the Bed’Graceful has a music performance on Thursday. It is in Suvanabu campus. It is an event of music club of Assumption University. This event name “Thursday shine”. Every year it might be around august. There are a lot of band to perform. Most of them are Assumption student and they are member of music club. The event is provided. My band name Bed’Graceful. Mr.Atipthai and I name it. It is a sexy name. Our band, there is Ben in position of Bass player. There is Chang in position of Drummer. Atipthai is in position of vocalist. And I am guitarist. So there are four people in our band. We prepare our band since 2 weeks ago. We use the song of Red Hot Chili Pepper to perform. One is “By the way. Another one is “Give it away”. Ben, Bassist chooses it because he likes this band “Red Hot Chili Pepper”so much. This band is his Idol. Once he told me about his dreaming. He sets his goal he will be the great bassist of the world in one day. I think his goal is so far away. He is a nice guy. Our entire band is Law student. There is not much Law students play music. Last Monday we practice first time. We never play together. It is quiet hard to play as easy. Wednesday is the second time. But the important thing for me is that I have re-examination of Ramkumheang University in Thursday. But I still play in Wednesday. After I finish, I hurry back home to read a book for examination. In the morning of Thursday I recall the code that I have to use in examination. I have an examination in the morning 9.30 a.m. After that I have an Ethic class at noon follow by English class.
After I have finished an English class, I go down S building. And call to our band to join together to go to Suvanabum Campus. My car park is behind the C building. We go there with my car. I pick up a friend to go with. We arrived Suvanabum at 4.00 p.m. It takes the time around 20 minute from Huamark campus to Suvanabum Campus. No car park near the dome. I drive though the obstacle. And my car was locked by security guard. I have to go to see Admistrative teacher. After that I warm up of performance. Our band is Queue number 7 of 10. We perform at 8 p.m. I try to play the best but I miss 3 point of song. The first song I still excite. I can not remember beat of the song in some part. And it finishes as well. Because our bassist is good. The last song Give it away. I can play as well because I practice this song as well. I’m lazy now Can I write it next time. Now the time is 2 p.m. I go to sleep better.

Miss a quiz

Last Saturday after I already sent my sister to her school, I went to my office. I think about my car. It might be trouble. I went to Nakornprathom and fixed my car on Friday. I had criminal procedure class on 12 a.m. I went out from my office around 11 a.m. While I’m driving on Rachaparop, my car got some thing wrong. Its engine accidentally stops. I think the fixing is not complete. I started an engine again. There is some strange sound of engine. I’m sure my car was not perfect yet. I had to go back to see mechanic again. I went to ABAC on time. I studied at C42. Not much student today. The air-conditioner was opened. It’s very cold. Around 2 p.m. I felt It was too cold. I slept on the desk. After Class was finished I backed home. I took Tylenol. And I slept. I woke up in the mid night because I had not taken a shower yet. I woke up again in the noon of Sunday. I got better I think I’m normal. I went out to have a dinner with my family. I’m chauffer. After we already have a dinner we went to Carefour for shop necessary thing to our home. We backed home. I washed my car. Around 7 p.m. I felt the cold came back. I took Tylenol and went to bed. My temperature got higher. Next morning I woke up with headache. I went to ABAC. I had in the morning and English class in the noon. Its luck tomorrow no any class because of mom’s day. That night I was admitted to hospital with.
I was in room number 508. I woke up again in the morning. There was a nurse. She was waiting for doctor. She was nice. About a minute doctor came and told me I was Dengue fever. I never admit to hospital since 5 years old. I was shock. That day was mom’s day but I was in hospital. Last year I had a flower to respect my mom but this year I was not I was in hospital. I was in hospital alone because my family went to see grandmother. And they came to see in the evening. My father said I looked strongly. Are you pretend to be sick? I think so I was sportsman. I worked out every week. I was in hospital 2 days. I went out from hospital in the morning of Thursday. I went back home to change my cloth. I went to ABAC because I had class in noon. When I went to ABAC English class had a quiz. I was late. T-T I didn’t have quiz. I might be miss about 10-20 mark for total grade at the final. I was serious about it. But my friend he was also late. He missed a quiz too. We both were serious. But he was serious more than me because his midterm grade was not quite good. I said to him next time good luck might be both. Next time must be better. I had class at 3.30 p.m. until 7 p.m. I backed home. My mom called to me all the time to asked how about my sickness. I said to her I’m Ok. But unfortunately the van which I took to back home lost the way. I was late to home around hour and half.


Nowadays I wake up so early because I have to drive my younger sister to go to study. To drive my younger sister is my duty. Every Saturday morning I have to drive her to there. I go out my home around seven and half. Distances of my house to her place are around thirty kilometers. I drive through RamaII road. Then I turn left to use Kanjanapisek road. Kanjanapisek road, I have told already. I can go every where easy. Then I turn right to use Kanlapapuek road or other name “New-Sathorn”. This road can go to Sathorn, Business area of Bangkok, in little minutes. I drive until Taksin road then I turn left for toward to Grand circle. Her place is there. She has class on eight o’clock. Today I can drop her on the time. After that I want to go to my electrical shop. I drive through Grand circle to Ban-Kak junction. Then I turn left, this road name is Issarapap. I drive until juncetion I don’t know which way I should turn. I turn right because I guess its right. Then I drive through the way till reach my shop. Certainly I reach there. I can see every body is busy with their work. I don’t know what I can do for them. So, I just sit somewhere not interrupt them to work. At nine and half I’m hungry. I walk to the market to look for some meal. I see Thai food restaurant. I have breakfast there. After that it is time to go to study at ABAC. I go out my shop around eleven o’clock. I have reserved the time for traffic jam. To go to ABAC spend the time about an hour. I drive to Rachapalop road. I stop in at Cofee shop name is Sweet station. It is on Ramkumheang 49 road. It has coffee, sweet bread, and delicious things. I have an ovaltin milk shake and sweet tea bread. It is eighty four baht. Then I go to ABAC. I park my cay at behind C building. The price of parking is fifty baht. Two week ago, its price is forty baht. I don’t know why they have to raise the price. They don’t get anything down. I think the cost of me for come to study is so high. It is around three hundred per day. This price is only journey price exclude meal, drink, and etc. I think I will not be able to pay soon. The money I have used to pay in life is too high. I use around fifteen thousand per month. After I park cay, I go up to the class room. It is on forth. It is procedure of criminal class. The class starts at twelve o’clock but lecturer always come at twelve and half. I intend to study till end of the class at five o’clock. After I finish class, I go to meet my friends to talk about car. They want to buy new Misubitshi Evolution. Mitsubitshi Evolution is the car which much people want to have because of its speed. I also want it. Then I back to my home.


Had Ban Din resort

The distance from Bangkok to Kanjanaburi is about one-hundred and fifty kilometers. I will bring you to Had Ban Din resort. It is my resort where located in Kanjanaburi. The journey spends the times around 2 hours. From my home I drive along the Kanjanapisek road. Kanjanapisek road is the main way of Bangkok and boundary. It looks like a ring. I can go every parts of Bangkok within not more than an hour because this road is the ring road. I can use this way for avoid traffic jam. After I drive along the way until the highway number 345, I turn left my car to use 345. The highway number 345 is the way to Suphanburi, Kanjanaburi, and all of provinces in western. Both side of the way is full of the green color. It is the field. Its green makes me fresh. I like to live along the nature like this.( if I can) I can see the native life. It is so easy. It is just a simple life. Wake up in the morning, then go to work in farms and go back home, have a dinner with family in evening without traffic jam. The life is not busy like urban people of Bangkok who has to be busy all the times. Wake up in the morning with hurry to race against time, traffic jam, and many people who also hurry. I drive along the way until the first junction, its name is Nopawong, I have to turn left and then go straight till second junction, its name is Bang-Lane junction, I turn right. At this junction, it has the pot-stewed duck restaurant. I always have it as lunch when I arrive here around mid-day. From this point I turn left at the third junction; its name is Pha-Nom-Twaun junction. The way from this point is so hard to drive because it is double way and full of trucks. The trucks always drive with low speed. I have to overtake it but the way is double way, which is so hard to overtake because I have to beware the car in another which is contrary. So I drive to the forth junction, I turn left to go to Kanjanaburi. If I turn right, it goes to Suphanburi. Once time when I passed this way, I bumped the dog. It runs cross the road. I can not promptly stop my car. I think it face of dead sure. I’m sorry for it. This point, I already arrive Kanjanaburi. I drive until the fifth junction, its name is Wang-Sa-La-Pee, and I turn left. This left is the way to go to Sai-Yok district. When I reach the last main junction, its name is Kang-Sen. The observable place is the PTT fuel station on the right corner of junction. At the opposite, there is a big wholesale shop. This shop sells goods such as canned food, beverage, soap and everything which we use in the basic life; tooth brush, shampoo, and etc. I always buy the goods to use in my resort from here. I drive for moment; I must stop in the coffee shop. This coffee shop is the most of my favorite coffee shop. I stop here every time I pass. I like the iced milk tea. The shop owner name is Sa. She is kind and makes coffee as well. I always recommend my friends to test the taste of coffee here. This shop is decorated with natural style. There are couples of flower pot at the front of the shop. I don’t know what the name of that flowers; its color is violet. At the right corner, there is a group of basketry and wicker ware. It is the incredible furniture. There is a big one at the center. Its shape is a big circle; I can lie on it. At another corner, there is a very big lump of wood. It is bigger than buffalo. It is made by the very big wood. The atmosphere is fresh and full of wind which fan through the shop. I always sleep at here before I go to my resort where is not far from here. After I use up of my drink, I continue to my resort with Sai-Yok road. I will observe the Bang-Jak fuel station as the place which near the junction. I turn left. Both side of way is the forest. Not more people live here. Between the ways I see a lot of sign of other resort. It is more than ten resorts in this area. But no sign of my resort because it still closed. Finally I am arrived my resort. When I come here at the first time, I can not guess how it can be here but my uncle say this place is the best location where is suitable for invest of resort. Now I’m beginning to believe his word. From the nothing land, no building, and full of the grass land become the resort. There are many buildings. There is the road through. There is electrical. It is located on area 49.2 acre which is surrounded by mountains and Kwai Noi River look like U shape. The first place where can see is the wooden house. It is arranged in a row. There are five. It is built under concept of native life. My mom and I want it to be the native style because it is suitable to natural. The roof of it is the triangle. At the top of roof, there is the couple of wood. Its Thai name is Ka-Dang. Internal, I feel it is too small. It is 2.5 x 2.5 square meter. There is the toilet and a little balcony at the back. There is the ceiling fan on the ceiling. It is just decorated. There is Air-conditioner for comfortable. Its curtain is yellow-gold color. Even though it is not a big house but it is full of facilitate such as television, freezer, air-conditioner and etc. This wooden house can support for two people. If the customers want more ex-tar bed, they have to call for it. After I pass the wooden house, I will the biggest building of my resort. It is the club. The club area is around 25 X 25 square meters. It will use for have some activities and have dining. The dining-table is made up with the very big wood. It is made from the only piece of wood. No connecting of wood. It weight I am not sure exactly but I am sure, it has to use more than ten people to move or rise it. Each dining-table, there are different shape. The ceiling of the club is made with basketry and wicker ware. It gives the feeling of farmer style. At the corner of the club, there is beautiful decorated beverage bar. At the corner of it is the sculpted column. It looks like real tree. Here, there is no bartender; it has just only me to be the Cola seller. When there are customers I always sell beverage for them such as ice, cola, mixer and etc. Income form selling this is not much but if I don’t have any thing to sell them, I am afraid they will have nothing to eat. So, I have a kid toy to sell too. The kids always call for toys from their parents and their parents always buy it for them because they don’t want their children to cry. Next to the club is the kitchen. All of the kitchenware, I see my mom and her secretary bought it. It is chosen carefully. My mom wants it to get along with the dining-table. The kitchen has nothing special anymore but I have the great woman cook. She is the greatest cooker. Barking deer flesh with black pepper is the recommence one. Its flesh is sticky and oily more than beef. Wild flesh Spicy is another one recommence. She temporary work here because she has own restaurant. I just wage here some time when I have customer but in the future I have to employ here to be the part of my resort. Her taste is great. The club, there is balcony extend to outdoor. The view form the club is the one location which is the best. I see the river Kwai far away and the green color of trees is fresh. I look down to the ground close to the river is the bonfires. There are a lot of bench arrange like circle. It can support more than 70 people. Bonfires of other resort I have ever go, it’s just bring the chair to arrange circle. But my resort, it is built as if it is the burn stump. Our maker is the great one of sculptor. And then I walk through the field in front of the club, I see at the right, I see the group of Thai playing statue. It is small dolls. Some is Thai sport such as boxing; hit a round, buffalo racing, and etc. Some is native playing such as bow a rubber, linking train, and etc. These are cute statue. I walk through the group of these statues; both side of the path is the basin of flower. I turn right down to under the club; it is the big room for 14 people and 5 people. It is suitable for teenager who comes as big group. External shape looks like the house under the mountain. The wall of the room is red. It is made by our sculptor. They build up the internal with cave style. Its feel like be under the ground. On the wall, there are many sculptors. It looks like the root of tree. Under concept of cave man, I want it to be like in underground.
There are two big rooms of cave style. In front of the room, I arrange to have the bench for seeing landscape of my resort. If you look toward, you will see the river and bonfire. In the evening is the best time to relax in front of the room because no light from the sun and there is wind fan all the time. The ground which I stand on is covered with igneous rock. Its color is red for get along with the color of the red wall. After I admire my cave room under the club, I walk on the path to the village of soiled house. Its length of path is around 100 meters from the club to group of soiled house. The first soiled house is far from the club around 50 meters. It is located on the little rise. There are many trees around it. The most of trees are yellow for get along with the soiled house which is quite brown. The front of house faces to the river. From this point, the landscape has nothing to cover you to see the beautiful view of the true natural. I open the door. I look to the left there are the group of electrical facilities such as television, freezer, and telephone. The shelf which is under T.V. is made like the stump. On the wall there is the simulate figure of Prof. Charoemchai. He is the one of great artist of Thailand. The bed is made by the big wood. It is only one big wood. The color of floor is quite brown to get along with the color of the quite brown wall. At the first time before the resort will be built here, my mom just want to sell only the land property. We are dealer of property. I don’t what make my mom to invest to have this resort. We don’t plan to have it. I never think I will have own resort. It is so far dream. But today this resort is almost finished around 50 percentages. This project is the first one of my firm. My firm just started in last year. The resort is out of sell before the project open. There are many people come to see. They like this land so much. I walk on path to the second soiled house. It is far from the first house around 25 meters. The appearance is not exactly the same. The difference is the shape of it. The first house is round but the second is square. This house can support for 10 people. It has boundary. This house is suitable for customer who comes as group. The view is not quite beautiful. Next to the second soiled house is the big conference room. The conference room provide for more than 200 persons. The front of conference is decorated as if you are in the jungle. There is couple of huge sculptor tree at the both of its corner. The floor of conference room is sculpture like the decorative design of the ground of jungle. Then I walk through the door and look toward to the stage. The stage is the one of our proud to present. It is sculptured to be water fall like in the jungle and there is group of elephant. This sculptor spent the time around 3 months to sculpture and design. The scene of stage gives feeling like you are talking on the rock. It looks like you are the leader of tribesman in Stone Age. When I was young, I dream that I’m on the stage and show the live music. Now I have own stage, I can be on stage much enough for my demand. The audio system of conference room is used with JBL audio system. The two large speakers are at the front and two smalls speaker are at the back. The sound will be surrounded. The video system is Denon. The conference room, we provide for conference, activity, and etc.Nearby the conference room is the forth house. This house is not the same as other because it is concrete house. Nothing is special. Behind the concrete house is the sixth soiled house. This sixth soiled house is larger than other. This house is provided for 6 people. It is on the edge of the resort. Next to the sixth soiled house is the path which goes down to the beach. The most attraction of my resort which other resorts don’t have the same is the beach. My resort has the own beach. Even though my resort is not near the sea, it has the beach. Kanjanaburi is in western. The western is not close to the sea. But my resort has own beach in Kanjanaburi. It is a special one. The beach of my resort is quite the same as the real beach which is closed to the sea. I can play sand. I can sculpt sand palace. I can lie under sand cover. People who come to my resort occasionally interest with our beach. They are exciting with our beach. The first question is “Why do we have the beach? It is so great I Kanjanaburi.” I think so. This special is the best selling point of my resort. You don’t have to go to the real sea. You come here, you can get it all such as; beach, forest, mountain and nature. Nearby the beach is the volley ball court. My resort provides the volleyball court for customer. It is a good feeling; you play volleyball next to the river. The volleyball court is surrounded by the coconut tree. I walk up from the volleyball court to the great house. It is the one of our pride house. Its appearance looks like a thousand years old tree. It is tall around 8 meters or two floors building. I told you our sculptor is the great. At the top of it, there is boundary where is highest of our resort. From this point I can see the mountains where are far away from our resort with the great view. The wind fans through me. I always come to stay here in the evening because I will feel peace. I always get an idea to do things here. Sometimes I bring a map to lie on. I walk through the curtain door. I see the bed at the right. It is designed to bed of the Stone Age. The bed is the big rock. The rock can keep cool. When I lie on the rock I feel cool. Opposite the bed, there is a television. There is a juccuci pool. It is the great one for customer who want to get comfortable more.The price of each house is not expensive. My mom tries to set it lower than other resort because now we still are closed. The wooden house which can support two persons per house is one thousand and eight hundred baht. There are five houses. The soiled house which can support two persons per house is two thousand and six hundred baht. There are five houses. The soiled house which can support six persons per house is four thousand and three hundred baht. The large soiled house which can support ten persons is five thousand baht. The cave room which can support two persons is two thousand and five hundred baht. There are two rooms. The cave room which can support four persons per each is three thousand baht. And the large cave room which can support fourteen persons is seven thousand baht. This price is just the fake price. If there are customers, I give them discount. The discount will be followed by rank or relationship of me and them. Normally I give normal customers 5 percent for unknown customer. The business customer, I will give those twenty percent. The relative, I will give those thirty percent to forty percent. My friend, I will give them the same rate as relative. For extra bed, they have to pay four hundred for it. More over I provide program of meal. The breakfast, my resort don’t have western breakfast. We have Thai noodle or Thai food or something which is not western breakfast. This is our selling point. I am so bored with western breakfast. When I go to other resort, I always have western breakfast. My resort hasn’t to be the same as other resort.
My resort still is not finished here. I still have a lot of plan to enlarge my resort to be the standard resort where can support customer more than 500 people per each trip. Now my resort can support for only 80 people. I hope my resort is going to be well. This resort is my first business. I have to do it as well.