Miss a quiz

Last Saturday after I already sent my sister to her school, I went to my office. I think about my car. It might be trouble. I went to Nakornprathom and fixed my car on Friday. I had criminal procedure class on 12 a.m. I went out from my office around 11 a.m. While I’m driving on Rachaparop, my car got some thing wrong. Its engine accidentally stops. I think the fixing is not complete. I started an engine again. There is some strange sound of engine. I’m sure my car was not perfect yet. I had to go back to see mechanic again. I went to ABAC on time. I studied at C42. Not much student today. The air-conditioner was opened. It’s very cold. Around 2 p.m. I felt It was too cold. I slept on the desk. After Class was finished I backed home. I took Tylenol. And I slept. I woke up in the mid night because I had not taken a shower yet. I woke up again in the noon of Sunday. I got better I think I’m normal. I went out to have a dinner with my family. I’m chauffer. After we already have a dinner we went to Carefour for shop necessary thing to our home. We backed home. I washed my car. Around 7 p.m. I felt the cold came back. I took Tylenol and went to bed. My temperature got higher. Next morning I woke up with headache. I went to ABAC. I had in the morning and English class in the noon. Its luck tomorrow no any class because of mom’s day. That night I was admitted to hospital with.
I was in room number 508. I woke up again in the morning. There was a nurse. She was waiting for doctor. She was nice. About a minute doctor came and told me I was Dengue fever. I never admit to hospital since 5 years old. I was shock. That day was mom’s day but I was in hospital. Last year I had a flower to respect my mom but this year I was not I was in hospital. I was in hospital alone because my family went to see grandmother. And they came to see in the evening. My father said I looked strongly. Are you pretend to be sick? I think so I was sportsman. I worked out every week. I was in hospital 2 days. I went out from hospital in the morning of Thursday. I went back home to change my cloth. I went to ABAC because I had class in noon. When I went to ABAC English class had a quiz. I was late. T-T I didn’t have quiz. I might be miss about 10-20 mark for total grade at the final. I was serious about it. But my friend he was also late. He missed a quiz too. We both were serious. But he was serious more than me because his midterm grade was not quite good. I said to him next time good luck might be both. Next time must be better. I had class at 3.30 p.m. until 7 p.m. I backed home. My mom called to me all the time to asked how about my sickness. I said to her I’m Ok. But unfortunately the van which I took to back home lost the way. I was late to home around hour and half.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Juts had a nasty cold myself. Hard to get rid of it. Just need to fight it as hard as you can...