
This week the Bed’Graceful has a music performance on Thursday. It is in Suvanabu campus. It is an event of music club of Assumption University. This event name “Thursday shine”. Every year it might be around august. There are a lot of band to perform. Most of them are Assumption student and they are member of music club. The event is provided. My band name Bed’Graceful. Mr.Atipthai and I name it. It is a sexy name. Our band, there is Ben in position of Bass player. There is Chang in position of Drummer. Atipthai is in position of vocalist. And I am guitarist. So there are four people in our band. We prepare our band since 2 weeks ago. We use the song of Red Hot Chili Pepper to perform. One is “By the way. Another one is “Give it away”. Ben, Bassist chooses it because he likes this band “Red Hot Chili Pepper”so much. This band is his Idol. Once he told me about his dreaming. He sets his goal he will be the great bassist of the world in one day. I think his goal is so far away. He is a nice guy. Our entire band is Law student. There is not much Law students play music. Last Monday we practice first time. We never play together. It is quiet hard to play as easy. Wednesday is the second time. But the important thing for me is that I have re-examination of Ramkumheang University in Thursday. But I still play in Wednesday. After I finish, I hurry back home to read a book for examination. In the morning of Thursday I recall the code that I have to use in examination. I have an examination in the morning 9.30 a.m. After that I have an Ethic class at noon follow by English class.
After I have finished an English class, I go down S building. And call to our band to join together to go to Suvanabum Campus. My car park is behind the C building. We go there with my car. I pick up a friend to go with. We arrived Suvanabum at 4.00 p.m. It takes the time around 20 minute from Huamark campus to Suvanabum Campus. No car park near the dome. I drive though the obstacle. And my car was locked by security guard. I have to go to see Admistrative teacher. After that I warm up of performance. Our band is Queue number 7 of 10. We perform at 8 p.m. I try to play the best but I miss 3 point of song. The first song I still excite. I can not remember beat of the song in some part. And it finishes as well. Because our bassist is good. The last song Give it away. I can play as well because I practice this song as well. I’m lazy now Can I write it next time. Now the time is 2 p.m. I go to sleep better.

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